Otis Mason's Physical Science Medal
This medal was awarded to Otis Tufton Mason by Columbia College for his achievements in the physical sciences. Columbia College was the original name given to George Washington University in Washington DC and is now the name given to the universities College of Arts and Sciences. After receiving his PhD, Otis would work as the Curator of Ethnology and Head Curator of the Department of Anthropology at the U.S. National Museum, now known as the Smithsonian Institution.
This medal was awarded to Otis Tufton Mason by Columbia College for his achievements in the physical sciences. Columbia College was the original name given to George Washington University in Washington DC and is now the name given to the universities College of Arts and Sciences. After receiving his PhD, Otis would work as the Curator of Ethnology and Head Curator of the Department of Anthropology at the U.S. National Museum, now known as the Smithsonian Institution.
This medal was awarded to Otis Tufton Mason by Columbia College for his achievements in the physical sciences. Columbia College was the original name given to George Washington University in Washington DC and is now the name given to the universities College of Arts and Sciences. After receiving his PhD, Otis would work as the Curator of Ethnology and Head Curator of the Department of Anthropology at the U.S. National Museum, now known as the Smithsonian Institution.