Partner in the mission of the Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey House by contributing a donation, or making a gift in honor of a loved one.
If you would like to provide a check donation, the check can be made payable to Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey House and mailed to the following address:
9000 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309
Thank you for your support.
Current projects: Pope-Leighey House’s new roof
First built in Falls Church, VA, the Pope-Leighey House was moved to Woodlawn in 1964 because it was at risk of being demolished by the Interstate 66 expansion. Thanks to the unified efforts of those dedicated to saving the home, it was sold to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, who still maintains ownership today. The house has seen many conservation projects happen over nearly six decades, and it is our goal to increase the scale of overall preservation efforts throughout the site. A new roof is a necessity to continue to preserve Frank Lloyd Wright’s Pope-Leighey House.
Honor & Memorial Gifts
Memorial gifts allow you to honor your loved ones in a special way at this historic landmark. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or retirement. Connect with us around how, together, we can pay tribute to the memory of a parent, friend, or loved one.